Professionalize the personnel selection processes for your business and maximize the human and professional potential of your collaborators.

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Zeus RH LLC ® is the meeting space between companies and people seeking grow both professionally and personally. The best? There is no cost to get started!

Our tests

Enneagram MTG

Know how a person works on a human level

The Enneagram is a system through which specific personality traits are identified and grouped into 9 different Enneatypes, each of which has its own descriptive generic characteristics that can help us identify positive or negative behaviors in the person.

Through our MTG® Enneagram Test, we can determine the proportion in which each enneatype occurs in an individual.

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HIT ® Human
Improvement Tool

Integrate teams, train and support executive coaching

The HIT® Analysis is based on the MTG ® Enneagram Test, which will help you understand how and why you work the way you do on a human level, identifying your possible blind spots to help you become aware of them, giving you concrete actions that you should work on to improve your personal performance.

You will also obtain information on how people should communicate with you assertively, to improve the interrelationship in your work team, thus increasing efficient results aligned with organizational objectives.   

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Raise awareness of your areas of opportunity and achieve high human performance

Measure behaviors and skills. It can be determined how the person is normally (conventional environment), how he is situated based on the motivation he has and how he acts under pressure.

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Terman Merril MTG -
Intellectual ability

Discover your intellectual ability

It consists of measuring a series of capacities and abilities of the person, all of them related to general intelligence.

This is achieved through 10 subtests, which include tasks and activities of different types; These consist of tests that assess both verbal and non-verbal intelligence.

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Allport MTG - 
Values and Interests

Know your values and interests

Evaluates and determines through a statistical analysis of the answers, the implication of the moral values ​​and the principles that accompany the personal conduct of the evaluated person.

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Personality Inventory for Sellers

Know if you have DNA for sales

You will be able to know if you have the personality characteristics necessary to dedicate yourself successfully to sales.

This instrument will allow you to evaluate, on the one hand, the general willingness to sell and, on the other, build an individual personality profile, based on the dimensions that play a relevant role to a lesser or greater extent for commercial professions.

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Digital Affinity MTG

How adapted are you to digital

With this test we will be able to know the daily digital affinity of the evaluated person, classifying the results in people with little digital adaptation, digital adaptability, digital adaptation or digital sponsor. This will allow, personally or organizationally, to identify whether there are "digital gaps" that must be addressed through personal or organizational training plans or to identify the people who could support the digital transformation processes that organizations can carry out.

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Test de competencias técnicas para personal de mostrador, multifuncional o auxiliar farmacéutico

Está diseñado para evaluar las habilidades y conocimientos específicos necesarios para desempeñarse eficazmente en sucursales de farmacia en LATAM.

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Test de competencias en gestión de inventario, administrador de almacén, almacenista para sucursal farmacéutica

Identificar el nivel de competencia de los candidatos en la gestión de inventarios farmacéuticos, asegurando que poseen las habilidades necesarias para mantener un flujo de trabajo eficiente.

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Test de Lógica Algorítmica

Herramienta diseñada para evaluar y mejorar las habilidades críticas de razonamiento y análisis de programadores y desarrolladores de software.

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Test Desarrolladores de Odoo

El test para desarrolladores de Odoo, evalúa las habilidades técnicas y conocimientos específicos necesarios para trabajar con el sistema de gestión empresarial Odoo.

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OUTPLACEMENT or Employability Consulting

Reduce the negative effects of termination of employment.

Outplacement is a comprehensive employment support service designed to support individuals who have experienced layoffs, are at risk of losing their job or have chosen to make a significant change in their career path. The main objective of this service is to provide them with the guidance and tools necessary to successfully face these transitions, facilitating their reintegration into the labor market in an effective manner and tailored to their individual needs.

Our main focus in Outplacement is to facilitate the early reintegration of people into the labor market, providing comprehensive support to find a job according to their skills and career goals. We are committed to streamlining this transition process, providing personalized tools and resources that allow them to effectively secure a suitable job position. Our goal is to help each individual reach their full potential and achieve lasting career success.

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Let us help you improve your personnel selection and development processes

Consulting hours

Enjoy a personalized service by our specialists

With the support of our expert team in selection and organizational development, we will provide you with the best practices to save you time in hiring and increase the productivity of your business, identifying internal talent, improving communication and integrating your work teams.

I want more information!

Why apply the ZEUS tests when we are recruiting and selecting staff?

  • 95% of companies do not have an area that deals particularly with Human Talent.
  • Recruitment processes are usually basic and empirical.
  • Unlike the most productive companies in the world, they do not rely on professional, scientific and technological tools.

Verificación Online de Referencias Laborales y Penales 

(Solo para México)

Nuestro Servicio:

    En ZEUS RH, ofrecemos un completo Reporte de Investigación Laboral y Penal en tan solo 24 horas. Este servicio está diseñado para ayudarte a reducir los factores de riesgo en tus contrataciones, asegurando que cada candidato sea digno de confianza y cuente con antecedentes verificables.

¿Qué Incluye Nuestro Reporte?
  • Estudios y niveles de institución escolar: Verificación de estudios, incluyendo la institución escolar y el nivel alcanzado.
  • Consulta de Cédula Profesional: Validación de la cédula profesional para confirmar la autenticidad de las credenciales académicas.
  • Consulta de Historial de Empleo: Análisis exhaustivo del historial de empleo, identificando posibles inconsistencias.
  • Semanas Cotizadas: Información sobre las semanas cotizadas del candidato, garantizando transparencia en su historial laboral.
  • Demandas, Juicios y Antecedentes Penales: Revisión de antecedentes penales, juicios y demandas que puedan afectar la reputación del candidato.
  • Listas Negras Nacionales e Internacionales: Consulta en más de 50 listas negras, como OFAC, PEP, SAT 69 y 69-B, entre otras.

Proceso de Investigación:

En cada reporte, detallamos paso a paso cómo llevamos a cabo la investigación laboral y penal. Desde la revisión de registros del IMSS hasta la validación de información con dependencias gubernamentales y empresas anteriores, te proporcionamos una visión completa y precisa del historial del candidato.

Beneficios del Servicio:

  • Reducción de Riesgos en Contrataciones: Minimiza la probabilidad de contratar a personas conflictivas o con antecedentes falsos.
  • Información Verídica y Precisa: Confía en datos exactos y verificados para tomar decisiones informadas.
  • Identificación de Candidatos Confiables: Asegura que cada miembro de tu equipo cumple con los estándares de confianza y profesionalismo.
Garantiza la seguridad y confiabilidad de tu equipo con nuestros reportes de verificación online. Toma decisiones informadas y protege tu organización contra riesgos innecesarios.

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