Frequent Questions
Troubleshooting for: Candidates
You can take all the tests for free and you will get free Feedback on your results, with the exception of the Digital Affinity Test, which has a cost to present it. If you want the complete report of each test presented, you can purchase it by paying the cost corresponding to each one of them.
You can take all the tests for free and you will get free Feedback on your results, with the exception of the Digital Affinity Test, which has a cost to present it. If you want the complete report of each test presented, you can purchase it by paying the cost corresponding to each one of them.
Currently, the tests are only in Spanish.
Yes. It can be returned to review or change an answer.
Only in the Terman Merril and Digital Affinity Test, you have a specific time to perform them. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. Better to answer what you think is most convenient or according to your personality, than to skip and not get points for that question.
No, we cannot leave questions unanswered, since the test will not let us move forward. The only exception is the Terman Merril Test, in which questions can be left unanswered, but this omission will affect the test result.
If you are invited by a company, it is advisable to take the test as soon as possible, since the company may have set a deadline. If it is not possible to present it when you receive the invitation, you should contact the company that invited you.
If you are a private user, you can do it in the time you have.
If you are invited by a company, whether or not to receive the results is the company's own decision, if it wishes to share the results. Zeus is not authorized to share guest score reports.
If you are a private applicant, you can acquire the complete results reports by purchasing them for the corresponding cost of the test performed.
No. If it is by invitation, it can be used once and expires when you have completed the test. If it is taken in the portal it can be used once and expires when you have completed the test.
If you are not sure when you start taking the test, or you do not have enough time to answer it, you can decide to press the option End Test After, and then continue where you left off or restart it.
Note: You can only present it again, if you purchase the test, after having completed the free test taken. The previous results will be replaced when you perform the test for the second time.
This control belongs to the company that invited you to take the test. It may happen that they have closed the process. It is recommended that you contact the company by whom you were invited, since Zeus Talent Solutions cannot maintain an active test if the company decided to close the process.
· Check your spam folder.
· Contact the company that invited you to review the email address.
· If the email is correct, the company can resend the invitation.
· If the email is not in the spam folder, contact us so we can help you at
If you were invited to take a test, you do not need to create an account on the Zeus portal, since the company that invited you pre-registers when it sends you the link to your email from Zeus. You just have to create a password and log in, which will take you to the test you were invited to take.
If you are a private applicant, check that the registration data is correct, otherwise, contact us so we can help you at
You can make the decision to end any test, by pressing the option "End Test Later", except the Digital Affinity test.
If the timer expired in a test or in a section of the test, the test will be saved as completed and will give the results as completed, and as a guest the report will be sent immediately to the company that invited you. If you are an individual, you can see the Feedback according to your result or download the full report if it was purchased.
Probably, it may be due to a failure in the internet connection, or there is also the possibility of having left the test on the screen without using it. It is advisable that you re-enter the account and resume the test you were doing.
Possibly it is due to problems with the Internet connection. If your connection is slow or unstable, you may have trouble loading questions and saving your answers. It is recommended to have a stable internet connection. Public Wi-Fi connections are not recommended, since the speed is slower and they are not very stable.
Yes you can, but it is not recommended, due to the size of the mobile screen. Some questions and answers can be a bit long, which makes it difficult to properly view them.
No, you do not need a webcam to take the ZEUS tests.
You don't have to start from the beginning. You will be able to continue answering the test where you left off, at the moment you lost the internet connection.
There is only one exception, which is in the case of the Terman Merril test, which, as it has X Sections, must start in the Section following the last one completed. Example: If you were answering Section IV, question 5, when the connection is resumed, it will ask you if you want to Continue or Restart. You must press the option Continue, to continue answering the Section IV, but it will take you back to question 1 of that Section and you should continue from there.
Yes. On the login screen, there is an option that says: If you forgot your password, give click here. You will receive an email to your registered email, where you can enter a new password to enter the portal.
If you are an independent person, who wants to know our tests, write your CV, find out about other services, and you are not applying to any company, the option you must choose to register in Zeus is: I am an applicant.
If you are a company, organization, corporation, coach, whose interest is to evaluate the personnel you are in charge of, or you are looking for personnel, you are a recruiter, etc., the option you must choose to register in Zeus is: I am company.
This is usually because the account hasn't been verified yet. Check your inbox and/or spam folder for an email from us, where you need to confirm your email, and follow the attached link to log in. After this, you will be able to gain access.
If you still can't log in, please contact us at
Troubleshooting for: Companies
You can take all the tests for free and you will get free Feedback on your results, with the exception of the Digital Affinity Test, which has a cost to present it. If you want the complete report of each test presented, you can purchase it by paying the cost corresponding to each one of them.
First, check your spam folder. If it is not there, we recommend that you contact your network administrator. They may need to whitelist our domain, so you can receive our emails. If this does not solve the problem, please contact us at
You can buy from 1 test onwards, up to the amount you require. There are different rates, according to the number of tests you wish to purchase. The greater the number of tests, the lower the acquisition cost.
The tests have an expiration time of one (01) year, from the moment of purchase.
Yes, as long as the guest has not started taking the test.
Yes, when removing an invitation, the availability of the corresponding test is automatically reversed.
Yes. When you start the session and access your Company Dashboard, in the upper right part, the Test option appears, among others, press it with the cursor, and a new screen will open that says "Applicant Registration". Select the Group option and you will be able to make these invitations in two ways: by filling out the table that is on the screen or by importing an Excel file with the established parameters of email, name, surname and gender.
Yes. On the "Applicant Registration" screen, when registering guests either individually or in groups, you can select the tests you want to send to one or more guests.
Every time the person completes the test to which they were invited, the company will automatically receive a notification to their registered email, with the name, email of the guest and the test that was completed.
The sending of the reports, on the results obtained by an invitee, is controlled by the inviting company, according to the option selected in the Applicant Registration: Sending the Result Report to the Applicant or Sending Feedback from the Applicant. Zeus does not have control over sending results reports to guests.
· Verificar que la dirección de correo electrónico sea la correcta.
· Que el invitado revise la carpeta de spam.
· Si todos los datos están correctos, en la sección de consulta del menú, està el listado de las personas invitadas, donde encontrará el icono de reenviar, presiónelo y el interesado recibirá la invitación.
Yes. When you make and finish your purchase, you will see two options, Continue Shopping or Proceed to Payment.When you press this last option, the screen will appear Select a payment method. There it gives you the option to tick Do you want a Tax Invoice? If you mark it, you will see the fields to fill in to obtain your Fiscal Invoice with all your data.
Yes. You can contact us at and you will be provided with the bank details for the payment.
No. All payments made by bank transfer will be verified before activating the purchase.
Yes. You can download it in the consultation section of the menu, where there is a list of all the guests to whom the tests have been sent. At the top is the results search engine, where you can easily search by name, surname, test, email or client, and you will have the preview icons and the PDF download icon.
To protect the integrity of our tests, we do not disclose the questions or their answers under any circumstances.
While the guest can take their review on a mobile device, we don't recommend it. This is because the small size of the screen can make it difficult to answer the questions. We recommend using a laptop or desktop computer.
We do not currently offer this information. However, we are working on ways to improve the information shown to you.
If the guest for some reason could not finish the test, either due to time or a connection failure, they can resume it at the time they decide, from the question where they left off, or they can restart it if they wish, from the beginning . Except for the Digital Affinity test, which you have not been able to complete due to some technical problem, you must take it again from the link sent by the invitation email and you will do so from the beginning.
First, verify that the data you are entering into the applicant registration template is correct. Second, check that you have the test(s) available that you want to send.
When you invite a candidate to take a test, you will receive an email through the ZEUS platform inviting them to take the test. The email will contain the name of the test to which you were invited, the characteristics to create the password and the link to log in and enter to take the test. When you start the session and access the test, you will be provided with indications related to the approximate duration of the test, the purpose of the test and some recommendations for carrying it out.
Our goal is to make the testing experience as positive and effortless as possible for your guests. If your guests have a problem when carrying out some of our tests, they can contact us through our