Our Process
Did you know that hiring the wrong candidate costs us 2.20 times the person's annual package?
¿Por qué el Digital Head Hunting de Zeus?
In less than 15 days you will find the right person for the position you are looking for!
With our processes you will increase by more than 85% the probability of getting the person you need through professional, scientific and technological human resources tools.

Why should I analyze the High Performance of my work teams?
In most organizations, the Pareto principle is fulfilled, where a smaller percentage achieves the greatest results. This is how there are always people who stand out for their results over others. We call these people "High Performance".

And what do we do in Zeus with this?
Thanks to the results we obtain through our tests, we can determine the common characteristics shared by the "high performers" in a particular business, serving product or service, in a particular place, and then apply them to existing staff or potential new collaborators and Thus, filter out those who have the potential to be High Performance and those who do not even come close to this possibility.
This allows us to identify what each one is good at and to be able to maximize the human potential of each one in the tasks where they would give better results.
Using tools like these helps us:
With this tool our clients will be able to improve their productivity in the areas of sales, customer service, logistics operations, etc.
At Zeus we are working to automate the parameterization of profiles and make it available to our clients.
Using tools like these helps us
Save on induction costs, training and opportunity costs with people who do not have the necessary characteristics for good results
Increase the productivity of work teams
Improve employee hiring policies
Improve incentives for employees
Become a benchmark in the market where people want to work
Generate more sales

Learn about our process

We help you understand what you need, defining what skills and human and employability characteristics we should look for in each of the candidates that we present to you.

Filtramos en lo funcional a cada candidato, analizando los CV’s que pueden aplicar para la posición.

Cada candidato realizará una video presentación de máximo 90 segundos que te ayudará a conocerlo mejor.

We activate our various recruitment sources, including access to our database.

We evaluate each candidate online through our tests of:
- Personality (Enneagram)
- Work style (DISC)
- Intellectual Ability (Terman)
- Values and Interests (Allport)
- Digital Affinity (Technological Daily Life)
- Inventory for IPV Vendors (Commercial Characteristics, when applicable)

If language validation is required, each candidate will perform a video validation of the required language of a maximum of 90 seconds.

We present shortlisted candidates in a comparative table that includes their functional characteristics, current salary and salary aspiration.

Ya con esto, podrás tomar la decisión de con qué candidatos vas a avanzar, ahorrándote llamadas y entrevistas innecesarias que retrasan la contratación de tu próximo colaborador.

Apoyo en proceso de toma de decisión del nuevo colaborador.

We explain the results reports of each candidate.

And, if you wish, once the finalists are selected, we support you with the interview processes, scheduling them, what to ask each candidate, based on the results of the tests and virtual support.

Delivery of HIT Consulting, which helps in the initial communication process of the new collaborator when they enter the organization. Imagine that we are delivering a manual, on how you communicate with the person who would join, how you would develop it and how you could maximize its human potential in your company.

Our team of Consultants has more than 20 years of experience hiring the best talent
Avoid unnecessary risks in your selection process. We have the methodology, tools and talent to protect you from making a bad decision when hiring your staff.
We have increased effective hiring by more than 55%
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Consulting Hours
Digital Head Hunting
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