Digital Head Hunting

We are the right choice for selecting the best talent 

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I. Understanding: You must fill out as accurately as possible the fields found in the profile description section.

II. Objective: The evaluation of candidates inside or outside our platform that match at least 80% in their functional aspects and obtain a detailed description of their personality, work style, intellectual ability, values and interests and in the cases that apply to know their disposition for sales. This second part is achieved through the tests contained in the platform.

III. Deliverables: We will present for each contracted search, at least 3 candidates per position (limited to the difficulty of the market) which includes the following service:

  • Activation of the different recruitment sources deemed necessary
  • Pre-selection of resumes.
  • Application of psychometric tests (4).
  • HIT Consulting Application (Enneagram included).
  • Pre-selection of three (3) profiles.
  • Video presentation by profile.
  • Comparative table of pre-selected candidates.
  • Eligible Profile Report with interview results, psychometric tests and video presentation.
  • Coordination of client interviews (face-to-face or virtual).
  • Interviewing and selection of the profile.
  • Profile Replacement Warranty THREE MONTHS (when conditions apply).
  • Service of adaptation and accompaniment to the company, for the selected candidate.

IV. Delivery times: ZESUA TALENT SOLUTIONS will make its best effort, depending on the difficulty of the position and the supply of profiles that the market has, to deliver the reports of eligible profiles in a period not exceeding fifteen (15) working days without being limited to this.

V. Client's Commitment: In order to achieve an efficient process, the Client must support by responding to candidates who are interested in a period not exceeding three (03) working days and once the candidate is selected, offer in a period not exceeding three (03) working days.

VI. Assessment Center (OPTIONAL)

What is a Assessment Center

It is a dynamic that is implemented to increase assertiveness in personnel selection processes. This process facilitates, to the selectors, to know the behavior of the applicants in concrete experiential situations that have to do with their future performance in the vacant position; that is, if you want to predict the performance of a person before a set of tasks that may be critical in their job, you must observe, classify and accurately assess their behavior in this type of situations. Throughout more than 20 years in ZEUS Talent Solutions we have developed an effective methodology that consists of the following steps:

1. Planning of the Assessment Center Dynamics: the competencies and skills to be observed during the dynamics to be performed must be defined together with the client.

2. Select Eligible Profiles: the success of the whole process will depend on having good candidates that adapt to what the client is looking for, the Assessment must be composed of people that meet the requested profile, the minimum is three people and the maximum is 8 people.

3. Assessment Dynamics: once the candidates are defined and what is to be observed during the exercises, the time of application of the dynamics is defined, who will be the observers on behalf of the client, date and place of application, the practices to be applied and their duration for their execution are established.

4. In Situ Candidate Interview: at the end of the dynamic, a brief interview is held with each candidate to clarify any doubts about their profile, observed behavior and other conditions that are considered pertinent to know.

5. Decision Making Matrix: As part of our service, we help our clients, through our decision making matrix (Harvard Methodology), to consider the most important aspects to choose the best option from those selected after the Assessment has been applied. 

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